Video Management for Large Events and Halls

Experience change in the Retail industry - Better safety, quality insights and efficient organization.

Surveillance Cameras Alone Are Not Enough

Mass events and big venues demand more than your everyday camera setup.

One reason is public safety. These events require fast incident responses and a broad range of solid measures to protect the people.

The second one is real-time insights and extensive traffic reports - live traffic numbers, attendance reports, demographic insights, and more.

All these add up to make teams look forward to organizing their next big thing.

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Why Choose NSoft Vision?

Sharpen the safety standards and get better event insights in four key areas.

Stop Blacklisted Visitors

Vandals, known offenders, or even new wrongdoers can be flagged and noticed upon entering. With advanced user & notification management, the right crews will be alerted at the right moments.

  • Flag visitors on site
  • Import visitor blacklists in bulk
  • Real-time notifications
  • See suspect's movement history

Faster Incident Response

Real-time notifications keep staff aware of what matters. AI-powered video search features allow for on-site investigation and incident-identity matching.

  • LPR & Face Recognition
  • AI-boosted video search
  • Fast remote download (thanks to relevant video clips)
  • Vehicle-identity & incident-identity matching

Know Your Attendance Numbers

Marketing and business benefit from knowing how people respond to events. Insights can go deeper than knowing your ticket sales - daily traffic numbers, live and historic reports, etc.

  • Real-time, hourly, daily, and full-week reports
  • Segregated data for different areas
  • Advanced demographic reports
  • Area heatmaps

Make Data-backed Decisions

In real-time and for future events. Notifications deliver instant situational awareness to deploy the staff to the right areas. Reports bring insights to organize better future events.

  • People count notifications
  • VIP customer notifications
  • Remote access to video and data
  • Visual AI-generated reports

User Management - Choose Who Sees What

Choose what resources each user account can access - what cameras, locations, reports, or customization options they see. All from one user-friendly interface.

Your in-field event staff can stay focused by seeing everything from their own area of responsibility, while your central monitoring crew have the full set of video management options and incident response tools.

Flexible & Efficient System Installation

Support for 1500+ IP cameras

Turn any camera you already have into an AI-boosted IP unit. ONVIF support allows you to use multiple camera brands inside a single VMS system in the same instance.

Self-hosted or cloud-managed

Make sure a VMS system meets your security standards. Choose how you install the system - either locally hosted on your own servers or managed via the cloud on a scalable central infrastructure.

Built for Large Events and Gatherings

  • Fairs & summits

  • Concerts & festivals

  • Sporting events

  • Charity events

  • Halls and Stadiums

“... What If Something Goes Wrong?”

We make sure you always get our full support. Both during the initial system setup and uptime maintenance.

24/7 Support
Trained Technicians
10+ Years of B2B Support