Video Management for Gas Stations

Fuel Your Security & Analytics Efforts With Premium AI Software

Gas Stations Crave Custom-Geared Video Management.

Gas stations make perfect crime targets - Common sense, since they are burglar's promised land... They work late hours, deal with a large amount of cash, have few employees, cash registers are usually close to doors, and it's literally a drive-through spot…

What’s more, it’s not just cash registers. Gas stations have multiple risky areas.

There is a gas pump and fuel thefts. A commonplace for shoplifting, sweethearting, and robbery in convenience stores. Vandalism often occurs in toilet areas, while storage rooms are invite-only areas for fraudulent activities.

A solution is a video management system smart enough to prevent crime in each risk area. And reliable enough to work 24/7.

Go further to find out how Vision helps to boost security first. And how it adds analytics as a bonus.

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We Help You Identify The Risks and Prevent Incidents

By identifying the riskiest areas Vision is helping you prevent crime at the point of impact.


For Gas Fueling Area

Reduce fuel theft and inspect cars and people

Most surveillance equipment at gas pump islands struggles to provide anything other than a video recording. NSoft Vision helps you to monitor both cars and people with any IP camera. The system easily works with PTZ, Bullet, and any IR outside camera.

Each gas pump island or different fuel tank area can be marked as zones. These zones can be set to report the number of cars that appeared within the pump space. This analytics-per-zone can be benchmarked for efficiency or report for high amounts of traffic.

  • Car detection from regular cameras on canopies (works on a wide range of angles)
  • Licence Plate Recognition with LPR cameras
  • Draw up to dozen of motion zones on a camera frame
  • Get notified when dangerous or known thieves appear (LPR and person detection)

Most surveillance equipment at gas pump islands struggles to provide anything other than a video recording. NSoft Vision helps you to monitor both cars and people with any IP camera. The system easily works with PTZ, Bullet, and any IR outside camera.

Each gas pump island or different fuel tank area can be marked as zones. These zones can be set to report the number of cars that appeared within the pump space. This analytics-per-zone can be benchmarked for efficiency or report for high amounts of traffic.

  • Car detection from regular cameras on canopies (works on a wide range of angles)
  • Licence Plate Recognition with LPR cameras
  • Draw up to dozen of motion zones on a camera frame
  • Get notified when dangerous or known thieves appear (LPR and person detection)


For Cash Register

Extra-layered Protection for Cash Register Area

Cash registers are the top-risk spaces as it is where robbery happens most often. With the camera mounted head-high to face customers, you can identify flagged and suspicious identities and review face thumbnails for the inspection.

Need an improved incident inspection and prevention of sweethearting? There is a possibility of integrating POS devices with NSoft Vision. As a result, you’d be able to search video playback with transaction history.

  • Face identification and face thumbnails at the point of sale
  • Recognize VIP or custom flagged identities
  • Search timeline by faces and transactions (POS integration)
  • Search identified visitors across all cameras (in case of cash register robbery)

Cash registers are the top-risk spaces as it is where robbery happens most often. With the camera mounted head-high to face customers, you can identify flagged and suspicious identities and review face thumbnails for the inspection.

Need an improved incident inspection and prevention of sweethearting? There is a possibility of integrating POS devices with NSoft Vision. As a result, you’d be able to search video playback with transaction history.

  • Face identification and face thumbnails at the point of sale
  • Recognize VIP or custom flagged identities
  • Search timeline by faces and transactions (POS integration)
  • Search identified visitors across all cameras (in case of cash register robbery)


For Convenience Store

Secure the Entrances, Monitor the Inside Areas

Entrance and shopping areas are key security spots. By covering entrances you are monitoring who is coming in and out of the convenience store. This is where face thumbnails, age and gender prediction, and identification come in handy.

To secure the in-store area and prevent shoplifting live people counting and multi-stream live view give important insights in real-time.

  • At-entrance face thumbnails for crime inspection
  • Segregate different store areas into zones (people count and footage playback per zone)
  • Notification for VIP or flagged dangerous identities
  • Live people counting inside the convenience store

Entrance and shopping areas are key security spots. By covering entrances you are monitoring who is coming in and out of the convenience store. This is where face thumbnails, age and gender prediction, and identification come in handy.

To secure the in-store area and prevent shoplifting live people counting and multi-stream live view give important insights in real-time.

  • At-entrance face thumbnails for crime inspection
  • Segregate different store areas into zones (people count and footage playback per zone)
  • Notification for VIP or flagged dangerous identities
  • Live people counting inside the convenience store


For Storage Area

Keep Control Over Who Goes In and Out

Storage areas and employee exits should be monitored as well. These spaces can be kept in safety with allowed personnel entering on request via an access control system or face verification. The inside spaces are best monitored with night vision and IR LED cameras.

  • Access control to a storage area
  • Face verification on entrance area
  • Licence plate recognition for garage entrances
  • Visitor management with custom tags for different staff responsibilities

Storage areas and employee exits should be monitored as well. These spaces can be kept in safety with allowed personnel entering on request via an access control system or face verification. The inside spaces are best monitored with night vision and IR LED cameras.

  • Access control to a storage area
  • Face verification on entrance area
  • Licence plate recognition for garage entrances
  • Visitor management with custom tags for different staff responsibilities

Take Care of Your Most Loyal Customers

Evidence confirms that your returning customers are the ones you should take care of first. Studies show your loyal members are nine times more likely to buy again and spend a lot more on average.

NSoft Vision, therefore, helps you better manage and stay in charge of your 5-star loyalty program. This system guarantees well-functioning support to your existing loyalty programs.

How Vision can help?

  • Register loyalty plan members within the system (personal info, profile image, license plate numbers)
  • Get notified once they appear at any location (LPR + person identification)
  • Monitor loyal visitor activity at the premise on a dedicated demo display
  • Track the daily, weekly, and monthly number of cars at fuel tanks
  • Check the hottest convenience store areas with Heatmaps

What helps us to enhance secutity?

Face Thumbnails

Vision’s directory section allows you to preview all the headshots from people that appeared at areas of interest. Each headshot is saved as a gif image and does not have to be related to any sensitive personal data. Headshots are accompanied by timestamps and are marked as events on a video playback timeline.

Vehicle Detection & LPR

Vehicle Detection & LPR A fresh car detection feature catches appearing vehicles at a gas station and takes a frame snapshot. Vision can also be integrated with the Licence Plate Recognition cameras and display registration plate numbers alongside the snapshot of the vehicle.

Body Detection

Body Detection Not only this feature constantly detects bodies in real-time, it also fuels two important analytic insights - People Counting and Heat Maps. People Count reports show the number of people in all and specific station areas, while Heat Maps provide visually rich data that illuminates areas attracting most people.


In-mail and push notifications to supplement the underlying work of artificial intelligence. Notifications can be narrowed down to a single person, single camera or location, and single input parameter. If you need everyone on alert for known suspects or exceeding the allowed number of people, they will know about it the moment it happens.

Crime Inspection Flow

“... But What If Something Goes Wrong?”

Maybe you’ve already been burned by an overpriced or overcomplicated IP system setup. It happens. That’s why we’ve built our business model around making sure our customers get our full support. You can even discuss the custom projects directly with the AI services department.

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