Real-Time Notifications

Smart Notifications for Enhanced Safety & Sharp Operational Efficiency

Step Away From Excess Monitoring

Monitoring a wall of dozen TVs and split screens is limiting. And outdated.
It’s distracting, demands too much human input, and it’s not reliable. Each stream you add to a wall, the higher the odds of missing important moments get.
Rather than sit and wait for an incident to occur, have peace of mind in knowing our detection mechanisms are actively securing the properties.

Real-time notifications can free you of excess monitors. Added AI assists intelligent incident response. The edge-to-cloud network setup allows you to get notified remotely and instantly. What’s more, you can create and modify each notification, sort out recipients, and select channels.

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Perks of Real-time Intelligence

Traditional on-site monitoring requires you to use too many resources. On top of that, it doesn’t succeed to…

Reduced On-site Staff

Smart alerts decrease the need to engage onsite deployed security.

Fast Reaction Times

Live notifications close the gap between “real-time” and “first one to know”.

Decreases human error

Instant notifications proved to be more efficient compared to screen monitoring.


Vision operates on regular IP cameras and minimizes the need for costly equipment.

Six AI Notification Triggers

At the core of NSoft Vision lie robust computer vision mechanisms. Thanks to AI detection that feeds real-time intelligence, events that should stand out at your locations actually do.

Appearance Detection

Appearance notifications are triggered by a person's appearance in front of a camera. A notification is possible based on body detection.

Crowd Detection

Triggered with people counting AI assistance per camera. Users can modify the number of people for which notification will be triggered.

Motion Detection

Activated upon body detection within a custom-created motion zone or a full camera frame. A notification is triggered by body appearance detection.

Body Temperature

In integration with human body thermal cameras, body temperature notifications alert you if anyone has an elevated temperature.

Age & Gender

NSoft Vision can recognize the age and gender of each visitor in front of a camera. You can choose a certain age and gender threshold and set up notifications based on your needs.

Flag Detection

You can mark each known identity within the system with a custom-created flag. On top, you can get alerted upon the appearance of anyone attached with a flag.

Get Notified via Two Channels

Push Notifications (Desktop + Mobile)

Mail Notifications

It’s practical and cost-efficient

Video makeovers are costly, demanding on the network and often fail to bring tangible improvement aside from video quality. Settling with NSoft Vision as your new VMS solution invites:

Lower Bandwidth Consumption

On-location and clear-cut video transfer facilitate faster and more optimized network performance.

Efficient IP Setup

Thanks to ONVIF and RTSP support, you’ll be flexible enough to turn almost any known IP camera on the market into a smart unit.

Artificial Intelligence

Ability to use video, not just for security, but for fast and consolidated business intelligence.

Edge-to-cloud Setup Makes Vision Efficient

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Fast and Easy Notification Setup

Step 1: Select a notification type (E.g. Flag notification)

Step 2: Select a flag you want to receive notifications for (E.g. VIP visitor)

Step 3: Specify locations and cameras (E.g. Retail locations, entrance cameras)

Step 4: Choose who receives notifications and where (E.g. Retail Managers; Email)

Key Supporting Features

Face Image Import

The system allows you to import face images and recognise imported identities upon their appearance, a feature extra helpful if you already own a list of blacklisted identities or VIP visitors.

User Management

Robust management of users and permissions allows you to single-out rules down to each system user. Not only can you pick and choose who gets notified, but you can modify what each user sees within the interface.

Last Seen On

View the list of all cameras where known identities appeared in the previewed period. After receiving notification, the last seen on enables you to see all places where the suspicious activity occurred.

Do you have more questions about the software?

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