System and Video Management

Have locations across the country, or even around the world? Give the right people the ability to manage distributed systems as they please... from anywhere!

Easy and efficient Video Management is our top priority

Choosing the right VMS or Surveillance System is not an easy decision to make. Especially if it requires a new network infrastructure with compatible IP cameras and recorders. On the other side, remote viewing options are a “MUST” feature for any modern business. Which usually makes things more complicated... The result is the following - you are left with an overly complex system that only specific staff is capable of using properly. Which was not easy to install in the first place.

NSoft Vision is a browser-based application built with ease of use in mind. A user-friendly interface allows you to customize user permissions, understand and influence the work of AI, and preview Google-like analytics for your retail. This AI-boosted system takes 20 minutes to install on a server level. It takes even less to use camera discovery and add your IP cameras into the VMS.

Do you want to test the VMS application yourself?

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Centralized System Management through 4 sections

Manage Streams, Visitors and Reports from Anywhere!

Whether you have a couple or a dozen locations, you can monitor all premises from central or remote places. View each camera stream live, check daily visitor profiles, and view AI analytics...

For Live View and Timeline
Watch Camera Streams and Recordings Remotely

Monitor up to 16 streams remotely and preview AI visualized on the camera stream. The timeline section gives you insights into events and visitors and enables you to pull the footage within seconds without heavy bandwidth consumption.

  • View 16 streams with AI visualization (one stream in 4-column view below 1 Mbps)
  • Preview identity cards on live streams (see Visitor name, status, age, and gender - live)
  • Video Chunk Transfer for video rendering (watch recordings with max resolution)
  • Filter and create labels for locations and cameras (group cameras for remote viewing)

For Directory
Manage Visitors From All Locations Centrally

The system identifies known visitors, recognizes new ones, and stores anonymized IDs on cloud servers. All the data is automatically synced to the browser interface where you are able to further configure and manage all visitors.

  • View all visitor appearances across all locations (with thumbnails and identity data)
  • View visitor activity charts on distributed locations (visitor statistics)
  • View traffic flow for each visitor to detect suspicious activity (centralized data)
Use custom flags and tags for advanced visitor management (access control/activity tracking).

For Reports
View Reports for Custom Selected Camera Groups and Locations

You can view daily, weekly, and monthly reports for any selected group of cameras and locations at any moment. Watch live people counting data displayed geographically, camera heatmaps, and historical reports.

  • Filter cameras and locations and save views for other users
  • View the number of people in real-time on each location
  • Understand traffic and demographics holistically

For Back Office
Assign User Roles to Maximize System Safety

Customize the type of access for all users across the entire business. Decide what rights they have and what locations they’d have access to.
Access user management globally through a browser application Give read-only or read-write rights to different users Select what interface sections they manage (e.g. disable live-view for the analytics team)

Worried about network performance?

We are constantly measuring and controlling how bandwidth is used in our testing and production environments. Both in concern with stream and data transfer from AI cameras.

Throughout the setup and installation process, we can communicate your bandwidth constraints and see how we can optimize network performance.

  • Regular 16 camera view is below 1-2 Mbps per camera

  • High-resolution recording (H264 codec)

  • Live view (support for (MPEG1 & H.264)

  • Dual-stream encoding (upload less congested)

  • On-demand footage download in small video chunks (Video Chunk Transfer)

What NSoft Vision enhances

Choose Between Two Different System Setups

Hybrid Cloud Setup
Over 95% of our customers favour cloud deployment due to it's efficiency, scalability, and seamless access to data.

  • Easy to scale
  • Remote Access
  • Biweekly Updates
  • Standard Installation
  • Centralized Management
  • Free Feature Updates

Self Hosted Setup
Enterprise clients with strict data policies and high-security demands prefer having data localized.

  • Heavy-duty security
  • 100% self-hosted
  • Technical support
  • Restricted access
  • Centralized management
  • Free Feature Updates

Camera Discovery Service

Camera Health

Automatic Updates

Do you have more questions about the software?

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